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Cognitive Analytic Therapy Around the World: ICATA

Cognitive Analytic Therapy developed in the UK but it has been adopted and developed in many countries around the world.

ICATA – the International Association for Cognitive Analytic Therapy – helps to connect CAT therapists globally.

ICATA’s website contains links to information about CAT and CAT training in a number of countries.  Not all member countries have a formal association but ICATA acts as a global network.

Some of the links below have information about CAT in languages other than English.

Countries where CAT is developed include:

Australia – visit the ANZACAT website here
Finlandvisit the website of FINACAT (Finnish Association of Cognitive Analytic Therapy) here
Greece – visit the website of HellasCAT (Panhellenic Association of Cognitive Analytic Therapy) here
Hong Kong
India – for an example of a recent training diploma via the the Banyan Academy of Leadership in Mental Health (BALM), see the link here
Italy – visit the website of ITACAT (Italian Association of Cognitive Analytic Therapy) here
Malta – for an example of CAT Skills training being delivered in Malta, see the link here

New Zealand
Spainvisit the website of APCAE (Association for CAT in Spain) here

ICATA publishes a journal, the International Journal of Cognitive Analytic Therapy and Relational Mental Health, which is available to download online at this link

Cognitive Analytic Therapy Around the World: ICATA by ACAT Public Engagement Team
CC BY-SA 4.0